MEN OF THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN - 60th Anniversary Edition - Signed Book

This is the extensively revised 60th Anniversary Edition - it had been initially released some years earlier as a two volume set. It contains a biography of each of the RAF aircrew that fought in the Battle of Britain. The entries are listed alphabetically and each contain information about the individual's RAF service as well as civilian details where known. Many of the entries contain a period photo. This book has become a standard reference for academics and researchers.

It signed inside by 22 RAF and Luftwaffe veterans. The signatures are all on the book itself not on a bookplate.

Signatories include:

Sqn Ldr Tony Iveson DFC AE - 616 Sqn Battle of Britain, later 617 Sqn Tirpitz raid

Group Captain Tom Dalton-Morgan - C.O. 43  Sqn 1940-41

Group Captain John Cunningham CBE DSO** DFC* AE - 604 and 85 Sqns

Sqn Ldr Geoffrey Wellum DFC - 92 Sqn

Group Captain Billy Drake DSO DFC - 1 Sqn

Major Hans-Ekkehard Bob - JG54

Oberleutnant Erwin Leykauf - JG54

Sqn Ldr Douglas Nicholls DFC AE - 85 and 242 Sqns

Wing Commander Ken Lee - 501 Sqn

Feldwebel Oscar Boesch - JG3

Plus 11 more veterans.

Pages: 584 including over 1500 period photos.

Condition: this heavy weight book is in excellent condition throughout with just a few minor indentations to the dust jacket.

Author: Kenneth G Wynn


CCB Associates.


second edition - hardback 1999.


8.5 x 11 inches (22 x 28 cm)

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