Readiness at Dawn by Nicolas Trudgian features Spitfires of 74 Squadron during the Battle of Britain.
Spitfires of 74 Squadron return to their base from an intense dogfight over the English Channel. As soon as they land they are hastily re-armed and re-fuelled by their diligent ground crews, so at a moments notice they can be scrambled to intercept another raid from the German Luftwaffe.
By the end of October 1940 The Battle of Britain was won by the gallant 'Few' and the plans to invade England were terminated.
Readiness at Dawn by Nicolas Trudgian - Battle of Britain Edition - is signed by 10 of the 'Few':
Wing Commander John Freeborn DFC*
Air Commodore John Ellacombe CB DFC*
Wing Commander Bob Foster DFC AE
Wing Commander Tom Neil DFC* AFC AE
Flying Officer Ken Wilkinson
Squadron Leader Nigel Rose
Wing Commander Terence Kane
Squadron Leader Tony Pickering AE
Flight Lieutenant Terry Clark DFM AE
Leading Signalman Luiz Flower.
Nicolas Trudgian
Vector Fine Art
16.5 x 11.5 inches overall including borders.
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