Tuskegee Junction by Robert Bailey features P-51 mustangs attacking a rail depot.
July, 1944. 1st. Lieutenant Charles E. McGee and squadron mates from the 302nd Fighter Squadron, 332nd Fighter Group are shown in a spectacular strafing attack on a rail yard north of Vienna. They have just escorted a bombing raid and are striking targets of opportunity on the way home to their base in Italy. A goods train full of ammunition receives a direct hit from 50mm calibre gunfire, while another train attempts to escape at high speed.
Tuskegee Junction by Robert Bailey is signed by four veteran P-51 Mustang pilots:
1st. Lt. Charles McGee
2nd. Lieutenant Harry T. Stewart Jr.
1st. Lieutenant Alexander Jefferson
1st. Lieutenant John F. Briggs.
This print is being offered at a special promotional price - normal price would be £165.
Robert Bailey
Bailey Art and Publishing Inc.
34 x 24 inches overall including borders.
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