Spitfires of 92 Squadron returning to base during the Battle of Britain. Desperately low on fuel after another combat sortie over the English Channel, C.O. Allan Wright (flying QJ S) with wing-man Flt. Lt. Geoffrey Wellum, lead the rest of the flight back to Biggin Hill for a well deserved rest and more than likely, a pint of ale or a large whisky!
All prints are signed and numbered by the artist.
Exhibition Proofs - a special deluxe version of this image. Using the latest reproduction processes that enable the subtle colours, tones and details of the original painting to be recreated with far greater accuracy than the traditional lithographic process. Each is painstakingly hand-drawn from a special printer onto the highest quality imported rag paper under the direct supervision of the artist. The Exhibition Proofs are larger in size than the original regular edition.
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown Aviation Art
15 Exhibition Proofs
37 x 17 inches overall, image 30 x 10 inches.
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